What are the symptoms of throat cancer

An old urchin Ask questions on 2024-05-16 17:21:50
Recommended answer

Laryngeal cancer actually includes hypopharyngeal cancer and laryngeal cancer. Different types of laryngeal cancer have different clinical manifestations. Vocal cord cancer has voice changes in the early stage, and hoarseness or even loss of voice may occur with the progress of the tumor. In the early stage of supraglottic, subglottic and transglottic carcinoma, only the sensation of foreign body, dryness, itching, dysphagia and chronic pharyngeal inflammation are difficult to distinguish. In the early stage of hypopharyngeal cancer, only throat discomfort, dryness, and dysphagia may occur. With the progress of the tumor, dyspnea and dysphagia may occur. After vascular invasion, there may be blood in sputum, cough, and even hemoptysis. In the late stage of the tumor, anemia, emaciation, and fatigue may appear.

An old urchin 2024-05-20 11:21:43

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