Why do you have pimples on your neck

Huaihai Ask on 2024-05-16 21:13:13
Recommended answer

There are several reasons for acne on the neck: 1. The pores are blocked. If the skin secretes more oil and the pores are blocked, the excess oil cannot be discharged from the body, which naturally forms acne. 2. Endocrine imbalance, irregular diet, staying up late, and large emotional fluctuations are all reasons for endocrine imbalance. 3. It is caused by microbial infection. If you do not pay attention to cleanliness, the chance of bacterial and fungal infection will increase. 4. External stimulation, abuse of cosmetics, cold and hot stimulation, contact with chemicals, etc. can cause acne on the neck. At ordinary times, we should develop good habits of eating, sleeping and hygiene. If the acne is serious, we need to take medicine to treat it.

Huaihai 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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