Does hyperthyroidism cause neck pain

Wake up in the morning Ask on May 18, 2024-23:02:01
Recommended answer

Hyperthyroidism patients generally do not have neck pain, which is mostly seen in subacute thyroiditis or acute thyroiditis. Hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune disease, and the thyroid may have I-II degree swelling, and pain generally does not occur. Hyperthyroidism is the abbreviation of diffuse goiter accompanied by hyperthyroidism. When hyperthyroidism occurs, the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones in the body increase, and the body presents hypermetabolic syndrome. The patient has panic, sweating, fear of heat, hyperappetite, diarrhea, and increased stool frequency. The neck will have a certain degree of swelling, but the neck is generally not painful. When hyperthyroidism occurs, regular treatment should be given. At present, the treatment of hyperthyroidism includes drug treatment, radionuclide iodine-131 treatment, and thyroid surgery. Patients with hyperthyroidism should receive regular treatment, so that their condition can gradually improve. If hyperthyroidism is accompanied by neck pain, you should check whether there are other diseases. Patients with hyperthyroidism need to pay attention to the prohibition of iodine during the treatment process and cannot eat anything containing iodine, because iodine is a very important substance in the synthesis of thyroxine. If iodine intake is limited, the symptoms of hyperthyroidism will be better controlled. Patients need to quit smoking, and all hyperthyroidism patients should quit smoking, because smoking will aggravate the occurrence of hyperthyroidism exophthalmos.

Wake up in the morning 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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