How long will hemorrhoids recover after surgery

Shanxiu Xiqing Ask on 2024-05-26 06:34:05
Recommended answer

After the operation, the specific recovery time of hemorrhoids is generally 10 days to 3 weeks, but it should also be judged according to the severity of hemorrhoids, the operation method of hemorrhoids and whether the recovery is smooth after the operation. If it is a thrombotic external hemorrhoid, the surgery can be completed in the outpatient department through local anesthesia, and the recovery time is generally about ten days; If it is annular mixed hemorrhoid, the healing time will be relatively long, generally about three weeks to one month, due to the large amount of tissue resection and the large surgical wound. After the operation, the dressing must be changed on time to promote wound healing and avoid postoperative complications such as pain and bleeding.

Shanxiu Xiqing 2024-05-27 11:09:16

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