A simple way to remove scars

The Old Man and the Sea Ask questions at 11:53:54 on June 4, 2024
Recommended answer

Is it disgusting to have such a blemish on the perfect skin? I will teach you a simple way to remove the scar.

Operation method

Aloe gel: buy special scar removing aloe gel, squeeze it on the scar, massage slowly to make the liquid penetrate into the skin, and it will have a good effect for a long time.

Ginger: massage the scar slowly after slicing ginger, which can effectively prevent the rapid growth of skin granulation tissue. (For scars just scabbed)

Laser microcrystalline grinding, color light, surgical repair: fast and effective scar removal method. It is recommended to go to a regular hospital for a detailed examination to determine the treatment plan.

Vitamin A: a nutrient that can promote wound healing and whiten.

Foods with high protein: Increasing protein in diet can promote wound healing and reduce the chance of infection. For example: milk, bean products, beef, etc.

The Old Man and the Sea 2024-06-07 10:17:26

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