Why do you get pimples at the back of your neck

Wind follows heart Ask questions on 2024-05-13 04:25:39
Recommended answer

Why do you have pimples on the back of your neck? According to the clinical description, if there is no pain, it is usually considered as verruca vulgaris. Common warts are called thousand day sores in Chinese medicine, and commonly known as warts, or warts. Verruca vulgaris is also called filamentous verruca, which can form soft, slender, filamentous protuberances, horny and dry tips. Most of them are located in the neck or eyelids, but only a few or scattered. Finger warts with uneven length are called finger warts. Its base can be mutually or dispersedly, the wart body is soft, and the top will have slight keratosis, which can sometimes be seen on the face. It is self limiting, and the basal layer is bluish black or red before natural regression, and the itching is aggravated. Gradually wither and fade away, or a few fade away first, and then most disappear. Cryotherapy can be performed when necessary.

Wind follows heart 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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