What kind of medicine to take when menstruation is less and dark

Water billow Ask questions on 2024-05-20 00:07:29
Recommended answer

The amount of menstruation is small and the color is black, so you can use drugs to promote blood circulation or drugs to improve the level of sex hormones. The amount of menstruation in women is in direct proportion to the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body. If the amount of menstruation is abnormal, six female hormones should be checked first. If the level of estrogen is too low, it will affect the hyperplasia of the endometrium. If the level of progesterone is low, it will cause difficulty in shedding the endometrium. You can use drugs such as Yousiming, Kelingmeng, Bujiale to adjust the thickness of the endometrium to increase the amount of menstruation. If the blood flow speed of women is slow, and the uterine contraction is weak, the menstrual blood flow will be impeded and the amount will be less black. You can take motherwort granules, Wujia biochemical capsules, Yueyueshu granules, etc. orally, which can effectively improve the symptoms of menorrhea. Anemia, malnutrition and low weight of women can also cause low menstruation. They need to improve their own conditions, enhance nutrition and gain weight.

Water billow 2024-05-27 11:09:12

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