What causes liver ascites

Like to be confused Ask questions at 14:12:52 on May 24, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for liver ascites. For example, one of the most common is hypoproteinemia. When albumin is less than 30 grams per liter, it is easy to cause liver ascites and lower limb edema. 2、 Ascites caused by insufficient blood volume, increased sympathetic excitability, and decreased prostaglandin and carnosine, we need to strengthen nutrition and supplement protein for symptomatic treatment. 3、 The increase of portal vein pressure is the increase of portal vein pressure at the bottom of stomach and esophagus, which leads to ascites due to cirrhosis or liver cancer. 4、 There is also excessive production of lymph in the liver, and the increase of secondary aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone leads to liver ascites.

Like to be confused 2024-05-27 10:57:57

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