How to deal with perianal redness and swelling without urination pain

Dried confusion Ask on April 18, 2024 21:32:27
Recommended answer

The perianal area is red, swollen, unable to urinate and accompanied with pain. The patient needs to go to the hospital in time, and may need to have indwelling catheterization. At the same time, antibiotics should be used to fight infection or surgery should be taken. Perianal redness and swelling are mostly caused by the infection around the anal canal and rectum, mainly perianal abscess, which will lead to the patient's perianal redness and hard lumps, accompanied by severe pain symptoms. Infection and pain will stimulate the patient's detrusor muscle to produce spasm, resulting in inability to urinate. Severe cases may lead to acute urinary retention, and patients need to have indwelling catheterization in time. At the same time, antibiotics should also be actively used for anti infection treatment of perianal redness. If the pus cavity has formed and the abscess is relatively mature, surgery should be performed in time to cut and drain the pus cavity. As long as the local infection symptoms are controlled, the urine will be naturally unobstructed.

Dried confusion 2024-04-22 11:38:44

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