Can hyperthyroidism neck be thick

restart Ask questions on 201:10:37, May 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Most patients with hyperthyroidism will have a thick neck, and a small number of patients with mild symptoms of hyperthyroidism may not have an obvious thick neck. Most patients with hyperthyroidism will have goiter, which is usually uniform and looks obvious. The neck is thick, but soft. Hyperthyroidism patients produce stimulating antibodies in their bodies, which stimulate thyroid cell hypertrophy, congestion and hyperfunction, leading to goiter and neck thickening. In clinic, many patients with hyperthyroidism will shrink or even return to normal after treatment. There are also some patients whose thyroid function has returned to normal, but the neck thickness has not improved significantly. In this case, regular observation is required and no special treatment is required.

restart 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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