What should children eat after vomiting

No more love songs Ask questions on June 1, 2024-18:34:55
Recommended answer

The vomiting of children depends on what causes it. If it is caused by poor digestion, you can take some drugs to help digestion, such as Jineijin Powder or Xiaoshi Oral Liquid to strengthen the stomach. If vomiting is caused by gastroesophageal flow, drugs to promote gastrointestinal motility are needed in this case. For example, Moshapili, Xishapili, etc. If vomiting is caused by infantile enteritis, in this case, it is recommended to take a small number of meals, take some probiotics orally to recuperate, not eat some raw and cold food, drink liquid food, eat easily digestible food, and add more water to avoid dehydration. If it is caused by other diseases, such as intracranial hemorrhage, it is necessary to treat the primary disease. Let your child have enough sleep every day.

No more love songs 2024-06-03 12:18:39

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