Kidney cysts can't eat anything

Endless scenery Ask on 2024-05-16 21:14:36
Recommended answer

Kidney cyst is a cystic disease characterized by the presence of an inner epithelial cell cyst in the kidney. The cyst can be a single or multiple cyst, which may contain liquid or semi-solid fragments, usually hereditary or acquired. Renal cysts can be divided into simple renal cysts, adult renal cysts and acquired renal cysts. No matter what type of cyst it is, there are dietary taboos. For example, do not eat salty food, but also pickled food. These foods are not suitable for patients with kidney cysts. Because it will increase the burden on the kidney. In addition, people who do not eat spicy and stimulating food, including chili, alcohol, and contaminated food, such as leftovers, or food that has been put in the deteriorated food can not eat. In addition, there are foods like barbecue, because many foods will produce harmful substances after being smoked and roasted at high temperature. If the patient has accompanied with renal insufficiency or uremia, the diet should be paid more attention, including beans and bean products. At the same time, high protein food and greasy food of animals should be limited.

Endless scenery 2024-05-20 11:13:52

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