What are the acne removing and printing ointment

I didn't mean to fly a swallow into a dream Ask questions at 17:12:21, May 27, 2024
Recommended answer

I didn't say it was a very good ointment, but some of them still have some improvement effects. There are two kinds of pockmarks. The first one is the red one with thick inflammation. For example, the pockmarks have subsided, but one of the red ones can not subside. We can treat this kind of pockmarks with some ointment, such as asiaticoside ointment or mucopolysaccharide polysulfonate ointment. It has a certain anti-inflammatory effect and a certain role in reducing pigment formation, Therefore, this kind of red seal may disappear faster. Another kind of pockmarks is scars. The pockmarks that are pitted and uneven are actually the formation of scars. This kind of medicine basically does not have much effect. It is mainly used for laser treatment, such as dot matrix laser or intense pulse laser, or some other filling injection to improve, depending on the specific situation.

I didn't mean to fly a swallow into a dream 2024-06-03 12:04:53

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