What kind of food is better for urethritis

Keep up with money Ask questions at 04:05:23, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Eating more fresh vegetables and fruits with more water, such as pears, watermelons, papayas, apples, and pomelos, can promote the excretion of urine and alleviate the symptoms of urethritis. At the same time of treatment, it is also necessary to drink more water to maintain adequate urine volume, which can facilitate urination, flush the urethra and promote the recovery of inflammation. Do not eat spicy and stimulating food. Pay attention to local hygiene every day, wash every day, wear cotton underpants to keep local dry, and prohibit roommates during treatment. If there are irritation symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency of urination, and pain in urination, you can take some antibiotics.

Keep up with money 2024-05-20 12:01:53

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