What is the cause of acne on the face

Mature and steady Ask questions at 15:03:20, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of hair follicle and sebaceous gland. It usually occurs on the face, chest and back of young people. Main reasons: First, endocrine factors. If the androgen activity is high in the body, it can cause excessive secretion of oil in the sebaceous glands of hair follicles and acne. Second, dietary factors, such as eating too much spicy and greasy food, can also stimulate the sebum secretion of the hair follicle sebaceous glands to increase, block, and form acne. Third, mental immune factors, such as staying up late, getting angry, and lack of sleep, can cause the decline of body immunity, leading to acne. Finally, there are local factors. If the face is not clean enough, grease and dirt block the pores, it can also cause acne.

Mature and steady 2024-05-20 12:00:31

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