What should I do if I have premature ejaculation

View by window Ask questions at 06:03:08, April 26, 2024
Recommended answer

If you have premature ejaculation, you need to give up bad living habits. You can't stay up late, smoke or drink too much. If men usually have excessive mental pressure and anxiety, they should adjust their mentality. If they have premature ejaculation, they also need to actively find the cause. In clinical practice, premature ejaculation may be caused by chronic prostatitis and diabetes. Repeated balanitis may also cause premature ejaculation. If the patient finds the cause of premature ejaculation early, it needs to actively treat the cause, so that premature ejaculation can be improved. If patients with premature ejaculation are treated symptomatically with drugs, they can generally apply lidocaine gel on the glans, which can reduce the sensitivity of glans, thus prolonging the time of sexual intercourse, and can also take dapoxetine to prolong the time of sexual intercourse.

View by window 2024-04-28 18:12:33

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