What's the problem with acne on the neck

Just let it go Ask questions on 2024-05-18 06:31:16
Recommended answer

The neck is long with acne, which can be seen clinically in bacterial folliculitis or fungal folliculitis. Bacterial folliculitis, mainly because the neck sweats more, patients are easy to rub in the case of secondary skin bacterial infection, resulting in bacterial folliculitis. For patients with bacterial folliculitis, a small amount of antibiotics can be taken orally and mupirocin ointment can be applied externally. However, some patients developed malassezia folliculitis due to local sweating and secondary infection of malassezia and other fungi. For patients with malassezia folliculitis, if the rash is dense, a small amount of antifungal drugs can be taken orally and antifungal ointment can be used locally, such as terbinafine cream. At the same time, the patient is advised to reduce sweating at the neck.

Just let it go 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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