What kind of medicine to take for gout detumescence and pain relief

I love this busy world Ask questions on 2024-05-21 16:12:47
Recommended answer

The following drugs can be taken for gout detumescence and pain relief: For drugs, non steroidal anti-inflammatory and pain relief drugs can be taken, such as ibuprofen or meloxicam. Colchicine can also be used to treat gout in acute attack period, so as to quickly control acute inflammation. Under the guidance of doctors, Chinese herbal medicines can also be used to remove dampness, relieve pain, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, such as plantain seed and Sinomenia. Patients need to pay attention to rest, avoid strenuous exercise, lift the affected limb, and avoid fatigue. In terms of diet, avoid beans, bean products, and animal viscera, and avoid alcohol and drinks. Peppers, peppers and leeks can induce acute gout, and should be avoided. Increase the intake of alkaline food and reduce the concentration of blood uric acid. At the same time, it also actively promotes the excretion of uric acid, which is conducive to the recovery of gout, and promotes the detumescence and pain relief of the disease.

I love this busy world 2024-05-27 11:05:59

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