Men's hard work in sexual life ≠ strong sexual ability

My heart is lonely Ask questions on June 22, 2024-18:37:52
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Not long

Many men do not attach importance to the process, but only to the results, but the emergence of early sex often makes the couple's life imperfect. Which man is willing to admit that he is "Mr. Three Minutes"? Which man is willing to "disarm and surrender" before he has enjoyed himself? No, Men always want to be in front of their partners for a long time, so early appearance is not welcome.

In addition to affecting men's emotions, the emergence of early pregnancy is also a kind of disease. Yes, early pregnancy is one of the sexual dysfunction diseases. For men, early pregnancy is also likely to cause a variety of concurrent diseases, and can not meet the needs of their partners. In the long run, it is even likely to affect eugenics. It can be seen that early pregnancy can not be avoided.

Insufficient hardness

In addition to morning sickness, yang sickness is also a headache for many male friends. Who would like to face their partners and be unable to stand up? Who wants to be powerless? Of course not! The appearance of male masculinity makes couples unable to live up to their expectations, and their partners complain. In addition, men's own health is also vulnerable.

Many men do not know about Yang * disease, and think it doesn't matter. In fact, it is a kind of neglect of health!

Unskilled or frigid

There are many factors that can affect a partner's satisfaction in the life of a husband and wife, but lack of skills is an absolute loss. If men do not know the skills, it is easy to make their partners feel bad.

In addition to skill, men's frigidity is also an important factor. Men are indifferent, no doubt let their partners keep empty rooms alone. Which woman would like her youth to be so deserted? Sexually frigid is also one of the male sexual dysfunction diseases. Men who are sexually frigid must pay attention to it.

Poor sperm quality

Blood essence, do you know? Blood sperm is one of the male infertility diseases. A man's semen is blood like, which is easy to cause fear of his partner. In this case, the life of husband and wife will naturally be divided.

Poor communication with partners

Don't think it doesn't matter if you don't communicate well with your partner. Facts have proved that the cause of many patients with psychological yang is that they can't communicate with their partner correctly. Therefore, communication with their partner is undoubtedly an important factor.

Poor health (suffering from infectious diseases, etc.)

Admittedly, there are many factors that affect men's poor health, but men suffering from infectious diseases, such as bunching, urethritis, cystitis, and preadenotitis, are one of the important factors that affect husband and wife's life and men's ability. It is recommended that male friends pay attention to prevention, and prevention is a good way to deal with it.

My heart is lonely 2024-06-24 11:33:23

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