What to do with thick blood fat

Just want to be a good man Ask on 2024-05-22 02:41:13
Recommended answer

It is usually recommended to regulate blood fat through diet, exercise and drugs, such as statins. Hyperlipidemia refers to the abnormal metabolism of blood lipids in clinic. When checking the blood lipid and blood viscosity, it indicates that the value is too high, such as cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. After checking and confirming the diagnosis, it should be adjusted by diet and drugs in time. In terms of diet, low salt and low fat, eat less and more meals, do not eat too much greasy food, and properly strengthen physical exercise. If there are basic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cerebrovascular accident, it is necessary to combine lipid regulation, plaque stabilization and antiplatelet aggregation drugs to achieve secondary prevention effect. Through diet, exercise and medicine, the continuous disorder of abnormal lipid metabolism can be avoided.

Just want to be a good man 2024-05-27 11:11:49

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