What anti-inflammatory drugs to take for skin inflammation

Never give up Ask questions at 16:47:31, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

Skin inflammation, if broadly speaking, can be all kinds of inflammation, including allergic inflammation and infectious inflammation. Infectious inflammation includes bacterial infection, viral infection, fungal infection, and so on. But common skin inflammation refers to folliculitis, furuncle, carbuncle, erysipelas, cellulitis, etc. caused by bacterial infection. The lighter can be applied with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. In serious cases, oral or even intravenous drip may be required to fight bacteria and inflammation. Generally speaking, suppurative skin inflammation is mainly caused by gram-positive bacteria, which can be treated with cephalosporin, semi synthetic penicillin, etc. But more accurate, it is better to do bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test, and determine sensitive anti-inflammatory drugs according to the results of drug sensitivity test.

Never give up 2024-04-22 12:20:08

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