Where is the Huawei mobile phone theme set? How to change the desktop theme

Silent Knight Ask on 2024-06-05 08:43:29
Recommended answer

If you like personality, you can customize the desktop theme of Huawei mobile phones. Let's take a look at the operation methods.

Operation method

First, click the "Main Menu" button below on the main interface of Huawei mobile phone.

Next, the list of all mobile applications will be opened, and click the icon of "theme" in the list.

In the opened theme page, we choose a favorite theme

On the opened topic page, we click the "Download" button below.

After the download is completed, we click the "Application" button below, and then the confirmation lock screen magazine function will pop up. We click the "Keep" button.

After returning to the mobile desktop, you can see that the current theme has been modified to the theme we just selected.

Silent Knight 2024-06-07 10:08:12

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