What causes anal pain

Elegant and indifferent Ask on 2024-05-28 03:26:08
Recommended answer

Stool and anal pain are mostly caused by diseases in the anal area, such as hemorrhoids and anal fissure. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins around rectum and anal canal, which can be divided into external hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids are located below the tooth line, and most of them form soft lumps on the anal surface. External hemorrhoids are mainly pain and bloody stool. Internal hemorrhoids are located above the tooth line, mainly painless bloody stool. Anal fissure is an ulcer formed by the cracking of the skin or mucosa around the rectum and anal canal, which is mostly due to dry stool. When dry stool passes through the anus, it will damage the anal skin and mucosa, causing severe pain and bloody stool. Hemorrhoids and anal fissure are mostly caused by bad defecation habits, such as prolonged defecation, constipation, diarrhea, and eating spicy, stimulating, greasy food.

Elegant and indifferent 2024-06-03 11:53:48

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