What are the consequences of insufficient cerebral blood supply

Roaring Moon Sirius Ask questions at 22:58:16, May 27, 2024
Recommended answer

The human brain depends on blood supply to provide nutrients. The professional description is that every 100g of brain tissue requires at least 40-60mL of arterial blood per minute. Therefore, when the cerebral artery blood supply is less than the normal demand, there will be headache, dizziness, blurred vision, sleep disorders and other symptoms. Cerebral ischemia is divided into acute and chronic. Acute cerebral ischemia will lead to cerebral infarction, that is, ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. In addition, there are chronic cerebral ischemia caused by various reasons. Cerebral insufficiency is a popular term for cerebral ischemia, which is not diagnosed in international disease diagnostic standards. This disease is more common in the elderly, especially with other chronic disease history. In addition, functional diseases, insufficient sleep and high life pressure can also cause symptoms of insufficient cerebral blood supply. For chronic cerebral insufficiency, early intervention is of great significance to prevent ischemic stroke, vascular dementia and other diseases. The key to the treatment of cerebral insufficiency is to actively seek the causes of cerebral insufficiency. General treatment includes actively searching for the cause of cerebral blood insufficiency, improving life and eating habits, quitting smoking, drinking, losing weight, eating more dietary fiber, fish and other high-quality protein foods, and eating less red meat. Control related risk factors, including control of blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids and other related diseases.

Roaring Moon Sirius 2024-06-03 12:01:37

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