How to deal with diarrhea in a 3-year-old child

Langchun Ask questions at 10:52:47, April 17, 2024
Recommended answer

Three year old children with diarrhea can be treated with the following methods: 1. Diet conditioning. If a 3-year-old child has diarrhea, if the symptoms are not very serious, he can take diet for proper recuperation. First, he needs to avoid eating raw, cold and greasy food to avoid aggravating diarrhea. At the same time, the child's diet should be well controlled to avoid excessive intake and indigestion. You can give your children some light and digestible food, such as vegetable porridge, rotten noodles, etc. 2. Drug treatment. The diarrhea symptoms of the child are serious and too many times. You can give antidiarrheal drugs, such as montmorillonite powder. Lactobacillus particles can also be given to regulate the intestines and stomach, and can also play an antidiarrheal role. 3. Timely supplement salt water and seek medical advice. Excessive diarrhea in children will lead to a large loss of water and salt in the body, which is easy to cause dehydration symptoms, and needs to be supplemented with salt water in time. The child is in a serious condition and has mental depression. He needs to be sent to the hospital in time for treatment.

Langchun 2024-04-22 11:37:47

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