What should I do if there is a peculiar smell and itching under women

Dream predestination Ask on 2024-05-07 03:56:04
Recommended answer

There is peculiar smell and itching under women: 1. Observe whether the leucorrhea is abnormal and whether the vulva has a rash. If there is no abnormal leucorrhea and genital rash, it may be caused by wearing tight and airtight underpants. It can be washed several times with flowing warm water, and it should be replaced with pure cotton underwear, so as to reduce the peculiar smell and itching discomfort of the pubic region. 2. If there is obvious leukorrhea abnormality but no rash, it may be caused by vaginitis. We should test the vaginal secretions first, and then according to the test results. If it is trichomonas, use metronidazole suppository and vaginal medication. If it is a fungus, use antifungal drugs for systematic treatment. 3. If leukorrhea is abnormal and accompanied by skin rash, it may be caused by eczema of vulva and condyloma acuminatum. It is necessary to use targeted antihistamines or laser and other physical treatments to alleviate the symptoms. Therefore, different causes of disease and different treatment methods cannot be used blindly.

Dream predestination 2024-05-13 11:23:46

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