What are the symptoms of hernia in children

Settle down and look forward to the future Ask questions on 2024-05-15 09:25:34
Recommended answer

First of all, it should be clear what the symptoms of hernia in children are, what is the recoverable mass in the abdominal sulcus area and scrotum, and what is its pathogenesis. For example, in a boy, when the fetus is seven or eight months old, the fetus' testis is located in the abdominal cavity. As the testis gradually moves down to the scrotum, the suprasheath process formed by penetrating the abdominal wall is not completely closed. When the intra-abdominal pressure increases, the intestines, omentum, etc. in the abdominal cavity hernia out of the abdominal wall through the incomplete suprasheath process and accumulate in the groin area and scrotum to form a recoverable mass called hernia. This is also a source and cause of children's angry inguinal area recoverable mass.

Settle down and look forward to the future 2024-05-20 11:20:23

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