What are the four renal tubules examined

Catcher in the Rye Field Ask on 2024-05-09 08:14:14
Recommended answer

Four renal tubules, check the filtration function of the glomerulus, whether there is acute or chronic glomerulonephritis, whether there is renal tumor, renal dysfunction or gout. The examination of renal tubules is mainly to check the urine. If there is any abnormality, it indicates the early damage of renal tubules, which needs attention. If the patient has frequent nocturnal urination, and the routine urine test indicates the loss of urinary protein and the presence of occult blood, it is necessary to further test the phase of urinary red blood cells, liver and kidney functions, blood routine test, and color ultrasound examination of the urinary system. When necessary, it is necessary to improve the renal biopsy and make clear the pathological diagnosis. The specific situation needs to be checked in a regular hospital and judged by a professional doctor to guide the next step of treatment.

Catcher in the Rye Field 2024-05-13 11:24:21

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