How to treat urinary infection

Mountains and forests Ask questions on 2024-04-16 01:26:51
Recommended answer

The treatment of urinary system infection needs to be symptomatic according to the etiology, and the treatment course should be adequate. And when the symptoms completely disappear, we need to continue to consolidate to avoid recurrence. Urinary infection is mostly caused by inflammation caused by bacteria, mold, chlamydia, mycoplasma and gonococcus. It is easy to get sick when the body's resistance is low or the perineum is not clean and hygienic. After symptoms appear, routine urine tests and smear examinations of secretions need to be performed first, and at the same time, bacteria culture and drug sensitivity tests need to be done. After determining the specific cause of disease, select sensitive antibiotics for symptomatic treatment. During the treatment, it is necessary to drink more water, urinate more, keep perineum clean, and avoid unclean sex life.

Mountains and forests 2024-04-22 12:27:45

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