What medicine is most effective for rheumatoid arthritis

tulips Ask questions at 17:51:43, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

After getting rheumatoid arthritis, many people will feel miserable. The first damage this disease brings to people is the inconvenience of daily movement, as well as the pain and numbness of joints. In addition, if it cannot be treated in time, it may cause other complications of different types. Nowadays, the treatment of this disease is mostly by using drugs. So what medicine does rheumatoid arthritis take? In addition to having a relatively obvious impact on the joints of the affected parts, which may damage the soft tissues and synovium of the relevant joint parts, and may cause changes in local joints, this disease may also cause other complications. Such as kidney disease, skin disease, and respiratory disease. Therefore, after getting this disease, we should treat it in time. What medicine does rheumatoid arthritis take? Different patients may be suitable for different drugs. If medicine is used for treatment, the most common question about what medicine to take for rheumatoid arthritis is some chronic anti rheumatic drugs, together with some biological agents. For example, among the anti rheumatic drugs, cyclosporine, methotrexate and Jinnofen are commonly used. In terms of biological preparations, some patients used infliximab, and some patients used rituximab. Relatively speaking, it also has a certain role.

tulips 2024-05-20 11:58:49

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