What should I take for radiotherapy? It recovers quickly

Waiting for the blue maple leaves to fall Ask questions on 2024-05-20 06:43:49
Recommended answer

Radiotherapy is a therapeutic method that uses radiation to kill tumor cells. It can not only kill tumor cells, but also damage normal tissues. Therefore, during radiotherapy, we should eat more high protein foods to enhance the body's resistance. High protein foods mainly come from meat, such as fish and chicken, and also eat more milk and eggs. In addition to high protein foods, we should also eat more high calorie foods. At the same time, we should also eat more vitamin rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, which should be fresh, but there is no clear limit on the types of fruits. It is better not to eat too cold fruits, which is easy to cause diarrhea.

Waiting for the blue maple leaves to fall 2024-05-27 11:06:52

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