What are the symptoms of gastric ulcer

Youth is used to waste Ask questions on 2024-05-14 16:27:43
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Gastric ulcer refers to the tissue damage beyond the muscularis mucosa caused by the self digestion of gastric mucosa by digestive juice. The reaction of gastric ulcer can be in the following aspects. Among them, the more typical and characteristic is the pain in the upper abdomen. This kind of pain usually occurs about 1 hour after the meal, and will gradually relieve for 1-2 hours until the next meal. This is one of the common and typical symptoms of gastric ulcer. At the same time, gastric ulcer is usually accompanied by acid regurgitation, heartburn, abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes gastric ulcer is accompanied by gastric bleeding, or even gastric perforation.

Youth is used to waste 2024-05-20 11:19:13

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