Six customized foods make men full of motivation

I must be taller than the sky Ask on 2024-06-22 02:31:15
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Men are stronger than women. They are muscular and need to consume more calories. Secondly, men's cholesterol metabolism is often destroyed, so they are prone to hypertension, ischemic heart disease, stroke, myocardial infarction and other diseases. For this reason, the six elements of diet are specifically summarized for men.

1. Eat a certain amount of chromium

Chromium helps to promote the metabolism of cholesterol and enhance the endurance of the body. In addition, it can also promote muscle production and avoid excess fat under certain physical conditions. Middle aged men need at least 50 micrograms of chromium a day, while those who are active need 100-200 micrograms of chromium a day. It is difficult to obtain such a dose of chromium from food, so it is recommended that men take chromium containing pharmaceutical preparations (such as multivitamins and minerals) or drink beer.

2. Eating foods rich in plant fiber

The main function of plant fiber is to accelerate intestinal peristalsis, reduce cholesterol and some bile salts, reduce glucose and fatty acid in the blood, and reduce blood pressure. In addition, it can eliminate certain carcinogens and avoid rectal cancer. People who eat food rich in plant fiber will feel full without worrying about accumulating excess calories, so it has the effect of losing weight. It is recommended that men eat 18-20 grams of plant fiber every time they eat. The main foods rich in plant fiber include wheat bran, whole wheat bread, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, apples, lettuce, cauliflower, celery, etc.

3. Eating foods containing magnesium

Magnesium can help regulate human heart activity, reduce blood pressure, prevent heart disease, and improve men's fertility. It is suggested that men should have 2 bowls of oatmeal porridge with milk and 1 banana for breakfast. Foods with more magnesium include soybeans, baked potatoes, walnuts, oatmeal, macaroni, leafy vegetables and seafood.

4. Eating food containing vitamin A

Vitamin A helps to improve people's immunity, prevent cancer and protect people's eyesight. An adult man needs to take 1000 micrograms of vitamin A every day, but excessive consumption is harmful to the body. Foods with more vitamin A include liver, dairy products, fish, tomatoes, carrots, apricots and cantaloupes.

5. Eating foods containing vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps to improve human immunity. Vitamin B6 can prevent skin cancer, bladder cancer and kidney stones. Men need 2 mg of vitamin B6 a day, which is equivalent to the content of 2 large bananas. Foods with more vitamin B6 include chicken, liver, potatoes, sunflower seeds, avocados, bananas, etc.

6. Eat more foods containing vitamin C

The main function of vitamin C is to improve human immunity, prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, cataract, protect teeth and gums, help heal wounds, fight asthma, and treat male infertility. In addition, taking vitamin C on time can delay the process of aging. The foods with the highest vitamin C content include cauliflower, green pepper, orange, grape juice and tomato. American experts believe that the optimal dosage of vitamin C per person per day should be 200-300 mg, and the minimum dosage should not be less than 60 mg. Half a cup of fresh orange juice can meet the minimum amount of vitamin C per person per day. In addition, drinking half a cup of orange juice every day can prevent colds. People who smoke should take more vitamin C.

I must be taller than the sky 2024-06-24 11:36:54

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