What kind of medicine works for headache

Chase my tomorrow Ask questions on 2024-05-18 08:38:16
Recommended answer

In addition to the headache caused by excessive use of drugs, other headaches caused by any reason belong to pain. In this case, most headaches can be relieved by using nonspecific painkillers, such as ibuprofen, shuerfen and other drugs for migraine, such as triptane. But for headache, relieving headache is not the ultimate goal of treatment. It is necessary to find out the cause of headache, and then treat it according to the cause, otherwise it is easy to cause repeated headache attacks. What needs to be vigilant is the intracranial organic diseases, which can be diagnosed by some inspection methods, such as head CT, MRI, blood routine, cerebrospinal fluid and EEG. If it is an infectious disease, it needs anti infection treatment.

Chase my tomorrow 2024-05-20 11:17:55

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