Does cervical scraping for cancer prevention cause bleeding

How many times will it take to understand Ask on 2024-05-24 04:32:36
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The cancer prevention test of cervical scraping sometimes shows a little bleeding on the cervix, which will show that there will be bleeding in the vagina. Generally, it is unnecessary to deal with this situation. After cervical scraping, her vaginal bleeding will be clean after one to two hours and will not cause active bleeding. The causes of bleeding in cervical scraping cancer prevention examination are mainly related to the material of the scraping and the potential inflammation of the cervix, as well as the operation of the surgeon. Generally, the bleeding is not more than 10ml, so it can be observed. However, if the vaginal bleeding is greater than the amount of menstruation after the cancer prevention examination of cervical scraping, it is necessary to go to the hospital for relevant treatment. It is possible to conduct the cancer prevention examination of cervical scraping. Because the cervical lesions lead to the rupture of local blood vessels, generally after treatment, symptomatic treatment will be given according to the results.

How many times will it take to understand 2024-05-27 11:12:58

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