What to do with a pimple on the nose

Who will accompany me to watch the stars Ask questions at 17:35:05, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Nose acne is generally considered to be acne, which is caused by the so-called exuberant secretion of sebaceous glands. Excessive sebum secretion leads to folliculitis caused by clogging pores. If the symptoms are serious, acne will result. There is no specific medicine for acne in western medicine. Generally, antibiotics such as clarithromycin and isotretinoin soft capsules are taken. It is suggested to go to the TCM dermatology department of the hospital to drink some Chinese medicine combined with fire needle therapy, which can treat both the symptoms and the symptoms. Do not eat spicy and greasy food at ordinary times, do not squeeze acne with your hands, pay attention to rest and sleep, wash your face with warm water, you can use facial cleanser or sulfur soap to wash your face, after washing your face, you should timely apply moisturizing lotion to maintain the balance of water and oil in local skin, and pay attention to appropriate vitamin supplementation.

Who will accompany me to watch the stars 2024-04-22 12:15:26

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