What is the cause of female back pain

I want to move forward Ask questions on 2024-05-27 00:53:17
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Pain symptoms in women's back waist may be related to the following reasons: 1. Pain in the back waist caused by acute sprain. It is usually in the process of bending down to lift a heavy object or lifting a heavy object, or in the process of twisting, bending back, turning around, etc., when the muscles in the waist are not properly stressed, an acute spasm suddenly occurs and the back of the body aches. 2. Cold irritation. Young women like to wear clothes that show the waist and back. The cold invades the tissues of the waist, causing pain and stiffness in the back. 3. Gynecological diseases. Women with a history of pelvic inflammation, chronic cervicitis, giant ovarian cysts and other diseases will have obvious pain in the back waist after sex or before and after menstruation.

I want to move forward 2024-06-03 12:06:22

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