What to do if I catch a cold in the bath

The old city warms people's hearts Ask questions at 00:47:37, April 21, 2024
Recommended answer

When you have a cold in the shower, most of them are caught cold. You should pay attention to keeping warm, but you should not wear too much. Take more rest, drink more water, and eat some fresh fruits and vegetables properly to strengthen the body's resistance and promote the recovery of colds. In addition, if the cold symptoms are serious, you can use cold medicine to alleviate the cold symptoms. For example, Ankahuangmin Capsules, Vitamin C Yinqiao Tablets and Ganmaoling Granules are cold medicines suitable for adults, which can relieve nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat or slight fever caused by colds. If bacterial infection is combined, antibiotics should be used for anti-inflammatory treatment. If penicillin drugs are not allergic, penicillin antibiotics can be used. Cephalosporins can also be used if they are not allergic to cephalosporins. The above methods are only for reference, and specific inspection and treatment measures must be consulted by a professional doctor in the hospital.

The old city warms people's hearts 2024-04-22 11:38:44

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