How long can scabies live on clothes

social commitment Ask questions at 08:47:27, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

The survival time of scabies on clothes is uncertain. If it is in a low temperature environment, the survival time of scabies will be correspondingly prolonged. Generally, scabies can survive on clothes for about 2-5 days. In most cases, the survival time of scabies after leaving the human body may be about 2-3 days. If it is in a low temperature environment, it may last for 5 days. At ordinary times, we need to pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene to avoid being infected by bacteria and fungi. If scabies mite disease is caused by scabies infection, anti scabies treatment should be carried out in time.

social commitment 2024-04-22 11:47:13

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