What is minoxidil

Light a wishing cigarette Ask questions on 2024-06-01 00:37:27
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Minoxidil itself is a commonly used vasodilator in cardio cerebrovascular department. It can dilate small arteries and then lower blood pressure. However, it is clinically found that patients who take minoxidil have less hair, and their hair increases after use, so it is used in dermatology to treat hair loss. The commonly used dosage form in dermatology is tincture, that is, minoxidil tincture, which is applied to the skin lesions twice a day. In addition, it can be used with other hair generating drugs, such as finasteride, to treat alopecia diseases, especially androgenic alopecia, which requires a long process.

Light a wishing cigarette 2024-06-03 12:42:16

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