What is the reason why women urinate very yellow

Follow the wind and fog Ask questions at 07:59:14, April 21, 2024
Recommended answer

Urine yellowness is accompanied by urinary fever, which is considered to be the possibility of urinary tract infection. It is normal that the urine is only yellow. Normal fresh urine is clear and transparent, and its color is affected by food, urinary pigment, drugs, etc., and it is generally light yellow to dark yellow. Therefore, it is normal for adults to simply make yellow urine without foam, turbidity, etc., and to make no significant reduction in urine volume. Increase self drinking water and urinate more, and the urine color will return to normal. However, if combined with clinical manifestations such as urinary fever, frequency of urination and discomfort in urination, urinary tract infection should be considered. It is recommended to drink more water and pay attention to hygiene. If the symptoms continue to worsen and do not improve, consider taking quinolone antibiotics under the guidance of a doctor after seeking medical advice.

Follow the wind and fog 2024-04-22 12:28:05

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