What kind of medicine is effective for carpal tunnel syndrome

Plain is true Ask questions on 2024-05-19 20:39:38
Recommended answer

Generally speaking, carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated with oral loxoprofen for pain relief, mecobalamin and vitamin B1 to improve circulation and nourish nerve. But if you want to really treat it, you still need surgery. Because carpal tunnel syndrome forms an organic change, that is, it is a real change. It can be treated by oral medicine, but if it fails for a long time, it still needs surgery, such as carpal tunnel release surgery, so as to release the adhesion between the corresponding nerve tendons, which can better treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Therefore, it must be clear that there are many diseases that can not be effectively improved only by drugs. Many of them can be fundamentally cured by surgery at a later stage. Although surgery is risky, it is a good treatment.

Plain is true 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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