What does craniocerebral trauma mean

Moonlit Ask questions at 15:31:37 on May 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Brain injury refers to the injury caused by external violence directly or indirectly acting on the head. It can be divided into open injury and closed injury according to whether the brain tissue is connected with the outside world after injury. Common brain injuries include scalp laceration, scalp hematoma, brain concussion, intracranial hematoma, etc. After injury, there will be varying degrees of headache, vomiting, thinking and movement disorders, etc. The condition of craniocerebral trauma is complex, changes quickly, and is easy to cause adverse consequences. Some patients need surgical treatment. For the daily nursing of craniocerebral trauma, it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring reasonable sleep and rest time for patients, and pay attention to balanced diet in terms of diet, and do not overeat.

Moonlit 2024-06-03 11:57:42

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