What's wrong with the swollen waist

Complete Ask questions at 03:15:24, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

The causes of lumbar distension and pain are as follows: 1. It may be that the lumbar vertebrae of the elderly have degeneration, hyperplasia and osteoporosis, which lead to instability of the lumbar vertebrae, and the symptoms of lumbar distension and pain appear when activities occur. 2. It may be that the lumbar disc herniation compresses the corresponding nerve root, resulting in soreness and pain in the waist of the nerve running area. 3. It may be that the blood circulation of the waist becomes worse due to a long time of cold, and there is a local accumulation of metabolites, resulting in soreness and pain in the corresponding part of the waist. 4. It may be because of the chronic strain of the lumbar muscles, which leads to congestion, edema, inflammatory reaction of muscle fibers, and irritation of the waist swelling and pain.

Complete 2024-04-22 11:38:52

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