What's wrong with being dirty after menstruation

A faint smell of smoke Ask questions at 16:00:29, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

Menstruation is always unclean. The specific reasons are as follows: 1. Abnormal endometrium. For example, some women have clinically detected endometrial polyps, various types of hyperplasia, and precancerous lesions of the uterus, which may cause unclean menstruation. 2. Caused by operation. Some women have had childbearing experience and adopt cesarean section, which is easy to lead to poor wound healing after delivery, thus forming a diverticulum. When menstruation comes, there will be menstrual blood in the diverticulum, which will naturally lead to such symptoms as unclean menstruation or prolonged menstruation. 3. Hormone secretion disorder. If the patient is always in a state of mental tension or lack of sleep, it is easy to lead to endocrine disorder, which leads to abnormal hormone secretion. In this case, it will also lead to abnormal menstruation.

A faint smell of smoke 2024-04-22 11:45:50

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