Is eating loofah good for breast hyperplasia

Look down on the world Ask questions at 21:18:00, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many benefits for breast hyperplasia patients to eat loofah, which has anti-cancer effect. Hyperplasia of breast is mainly caused by hormones in the body, and mainly presents breast pain, breast lumps, etc. Once the above symptoms occur, go to the hospital in time for color ultrasound, breast palpation and other examinations for treatment. Patients with mild symptoms can improve their symptoms through self adjustment, while patients with severe symptoms need medication and surgery if necessary. Patients should pay attention to rest at ordinary times, avoid fatigue, maintain a good mood, avoid emotional excitement, maintain breast health, and wash and change frequently without bathing.

Look down on the world 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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