What kind of medicine is better for carpal tunnel syndrome

make progress every day Ask questions on May 15, 2024-14:04:27
Recommended answer

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated by oral medication, local blocking treatment and surgery. Oral drug therapy includes non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, neurotrophic drugs, etc. Its main purpose is to reduce local edema, diminish inflammation and pain, and nourish damaged nerves. Local blocking treatment, intravascular injection of drugs, commonly used injection of steroid hormones, etc., can reduce the edema of tissues in the carpal tunnel, reduce the congestion and edema of the nerve itself, thus alleviating the symptoms. It should be noted that drugs should not be injected into the median nerve, otherwise it may aggravate the symptoms. Surgical treatment, surgical treatment is usually performed in the case of ineffective conservative treatment or obvious surgical indications, in order to relieve the compression of the median nerve and create conditions for nerve recovery.

make progress every day 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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