What is the relationship between adrenocortical hormone drugs and blood lipids

All life is a dream Ask questions on May 18, 2024-13:38:45
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Adrenocortical hormone drugs refer to drugs with similar or the same biological activity as adrenocortical hormone. Adrenocortical hormone drugs, including mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and sex hormones. Clinically, it is common to take glucocorticoids, such as prednisone, for patients with a long time to appear full moon face, buffalo back, etc. The so-called centripetal obesity, excessive use of hormones, on the one hand, can promote the decomposition of triglycerides, prevent fat cells from taking glucose, and inhibit fat synthesis. On the other hand, increasing gluconeogenesis stimulates insulin secretion and increases fat synthesis. Therefore, glucocorticoids promote fat decomposition and fat synthesis. As a result, the fat in the trunk is redistributed, resulting in centripetal obesity. Therefore, if patients are taking prednisone due to some diseases, they should pay attention to diet control to control lipid metabolism.

All life is a dream 2024-05-20 11:13:55

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