What is the function of osteopeptide

Crescent moon eyebrow center Ask questions at 05:47:08, 2024-05-30
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Promote fracture healing, resist hyperosteogeny, aging and nourish bone. Osteopeptide is a common drug in orthopaedics. Most bone peptides are extracted from the limb bones of pigs and cattle through special processes. The specific function of osteopeptide is to promote fracture healing, and it can also resist bone hyperplasia and aging. It is mainly used in patients after fracture surgery or elderly patients with osteoarthritis in clinical practice. Osteopeptide also has the function of nourishing bone. Therefore, in clinical practice, it is mostly used for the elderly with severe osteoporosis, and the effect of calcium supplementation is obvious. Bone peptide also has anti rheumatism, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and other effects, so it is widely used in the elderly in clinical osteoarthritis. Because the symptoms of osteoarthritis are mainly pain, the effect of applying osteopeptide is ideal.

Crescent moon eyebrow center 2024-06-03 12:14:20

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