What kind of medicine is good for gastritis

Old Hunter Ask questions at 23:19:16, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

If gastroscopy shows gastritis, gastritis is generally divided into superficial gastritis and atrophic gastritis. Superficial gastritis generally refers to gastric mucosal erosion, bleeding, congestion and edema. Atrophic gastritis is generally manifested as a condition caused by atrophy of gastric mucosa, thinning of glands, thinning of mucosa, and atrophy of glands. Generally, the treatment should be based on the manifestation of gastritis. If there are abdominal pain, abdominal distention and other symptoms, you can take Weisu Granules, omeprazole, and mosapride orally to recuperate; In case of acid regurgitation and heartburn, it is necessary to take orally magnesium aluminocarbonate and sucralfate gel to neutralize gastric acid. Gastritis itself is seven percent dependent, so the usual diet is also very important.

Old Hunter 2024-05-20 11:53:29

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